The Story Behind ADHD Home


ADHD Home is my home. It is many of your homes. This blog was born out of the desire to share knowledge. To shed a little light on what ADHD really is in adults and in children. Here you’ll find stories of triumph as well as challenges. You will find ideas to implement in your life, whether it be for yourself or your children. You will find printables to guide you on your way. 

My prayer is that this will be a resource for you. A place you can come to remember that you are not alone. You are not weird (okay, I may be a little weird, aren’t we all). We are just wired a little differently. Sometimes that will manifest itself in struggles, other times in fantastic results. 

I am a wife, a mom, a homemaker, a teacher, a tax preparer (YIKES), a budget maker, a frugal shopper, a chaufer, a planner, a (novice) photographer, a (again, novice) designer and above all I am a student. Life long learning is something I am passionate about, something I want to instill deep in my children’s souls. A love of learning is the key to constant growth and success. 

This blog will show you that most ADHDers are BRILLIANT. Teachers may have told you you weren’t trying hard enough, that you needed to focus, apply yourself, study harder, etc. The truth is that most of the time we try harder than others. 

You’ll meet me, my children and my husband. We are not medical professionals. We are just real people, walking through this life together while navigating the waters of ADHD. Together. 

So come by often to connect and find stories and resources to help you and your children succeed with ADHD.